Issue Position: Fix Congress

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

A broken Congress, where "winning" trumps governing. Can we fix it?

"We have to look at states [for] models" -- Norman Ornstein

Our Campaign's the first to commit to the ONLY PROVEN way to reform Congress -- reform already successfully tested in a Large, real-world Pilot Project, with bipartisan support.


80 years' worth.

How could there be a proven reform, field-tested in a large-scale Pilot Project, for 80 years . . . and no one knows about it ?

Wyoming, a state not given to proselytizing, gave women the vote in 1869, but didn't boast about it.

Maryland, not paying attention, followed glacially, 72 years later.(1941)

Fast Forward : The proven, Western-state model for Congressional Reform -- Pilot-tested for 80 years is in Wyoming's neighbor, Nebraska.

(It isn't about Unicameralism)

It's about being officially nonpartisan.

No Majority/Minority/Leaders/Whips. (Congress had none either - until 1899; a simple Rule change, they're gone.) Will there be resistance? Powerful, privileged men resisted women's suffrage, too.

Instead, all members elect the Speaker, and Committee Chairpersons, by secret ballot.

Political Parties still participate. But don't control. Nor constantly divide.

All the members are empowered.

Without party bosses & whips, telling them how to vote, members do their jobs - study the issues & vote on the merits, and not obey like sheep whipped around by their masters.

Nebraska, a "Red" state, has operated this way for 80 years. In 2015, the legislature there, absent party bosses, whips and dictates: *eliminated the death penalty; * raised the minimum wage; * raised the gas tax; * gave undocumented DREAMERS driver's licenses.

Why? Because, without "party discipline", they could vote on the merits, Nebraska is still a RED state. But now, their legislators can think for themselves.

A majority of Congress members also don't want to be sheep.
